Sr Azahari bin Alias
mrism mpeps mmipeac
Associate Director
Sr Azahari Alias started his career with valuation and property consultancy firm CBRE-WTW Seremban branch as a Valuation Executive. He served the company for almost 5 years. Later he joined Jurunilai Bersekutu (NS) Sdn Bhd and was promoted as Officer-In-Charge. Subsequently, in early 2022, he was transferred to Jurunilai Bersekutu (Kajang) Sdn Bhd as Registered Valuer and managed the Kajang branch operation.
He has 23 years of experience in valuation and property consultancy services mainly in retail and corporate valuation for various types of residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural and special properties throughout Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Putrajaya. He is also involved in land acquisition valuation exercises and market study cases mainly in Negeri Sembilan.
Sr Azahari Alias obtained his degree in Bachelor of Surveying (Property Management) at the University Technology of Malaysia (UTM), a registered valuer, estate agent and property manager by profession and a professional member of the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM), a member of Persatuan Penilai Swasta (PEPS) and Malaysian Institute of Professional Estate Agents and Consultants (MIPEAC).
Sr Azahari Alias is in charge of our Seremban branch office.